The Complete Guide to Blacksmithing by Professor A. Lungwitz, Charles F. Adams
Without doubt the most thoroughly reliable handbook of horseshoeing is the German textbook of Professor Lungwitz, director of the Shoeing School of the Royal Veterinary College at Dresden. The conditions in Germany are almost identical with those in this country, and the Shoeing School superintendent by Professor Lungwitz may safely be regarded as the best in the world. Certainly there is none like it in the United States. Professor Lungwitz 's discussion of the anatomy of the horse's foot is too technical for the ordinary reader, and his book gives no suggestions on the elementary principles of blacksmithing, which are prerequisites of any attempt at shoeing a horse. To make the present handbook complete, these directions have been added, and the text of Professor Lungwitz 's book has been somewhat condensed and simplified. Moreover, a chapter on carriage-ironing, with other general information, has been added, that the manual may be thoroughly practical and as complete as possible.