Seeds of Anger - Revolts in America by Sally Smith Booth
Sally Smith Booth has written about the revolts before the revolution: against the imposition of absentee rule by Britain’s elegant lords on the rugged individualists of the provinces, the struggles of groups of colonists against each other. Armed rebellion, a violent tactic for an angry people, found an early home in colonial America. Nearly a century and a half before Washington’s army drove the British homeward, Virginians forcibly expelled a royal governor. In Maryland, attempts to overthrow the lawful administration of the Lords Baltimore were a common occurrence.
This hardcover book is in good condition with some discoloration on the dust jacket. Pages in good condition with discoloration on the outside edges of the pages. Owner’s inscription inside.
ISBN 10: 0803867425 / ISBN 13: 9780803867420
Publisher: Hastings House
Publication Date: 1977